
WishBook (WB) is a piggy bank in a digital app form, made for people who need a user-friendly solution for keeping track of their disposable income. Not only does WB keep records of savings, it also allows users to set items as goals for users to work towards, serving as a way to cultivate the habit of saving. WB is made for people who have material wants in life, but are uncertain of purchasing said wants, by helping them to reserve disposable income so that they know they can spend on their wants. The user interacts with it by using a Command Line Interface (CLI), and it has a GUI created with JavaFX. It is written in Java, and has about 15 kLoC.

WishBook is an application adapted from addressbook-level4, the original application developed by the se-edu team.

The source code of addressbook-level4 can be found here.

This project portfolio consists of the contributions I have made to WishBook over the semester.

Summary of contributions

  • Major enhancement: Added the ability to save towards a wish or remove an amount from a wish.

    • What it does: Allows the user to save a specified amount of money to a particular wish or remove a specified amount from it. A wish will be fulfilled when the user saves up to 100% of a wish’s price and excess amount cannot be saved towards it any longer.

    • Justification: This feature is a crucial feature in the WishBook as it cannot fulfill its primary requirement without it.The fact that two actions, namely saving and removing can be done with a single command means that there are less commands to remember.

    • Highlights: This enhancement touches multiple components and required thorough consideration of alternative design. Hence it is naturally my most time consuming contribution. Significant effort was also expended in modifying the tests to test this new feature.

  • Minor enhancement: Added the ability to find wishes by name, tag and/or remark with specified level of match with keywords.

    • Justification: The flexible design of this command allows user to specify varying number of arguments to the wish which gives the user multiple ways to find a wish or a group of wishes for ease of access.

    • Highlights: It required an in-depth analysis of design alternatives. The implementation too was challenging as it required rewriting and adapting the code written for an existing command. Significant effort was also expended in modifying the tests to test this new feature.

  • Minor enhancement: Converted email attribute in a wish to date attribute which stores the due date of a wish. The date cannot be earlier or equal to the current date.

  • Minor enhancement: Made the wish list to be permanently sorted by due date regardless of the commands applied on them.

    • Highlights: Required modification of test data which led to modification of a significant number of tests.

  • Minor enhancement: Made the wishes be identified only by a newly added attribute, UUID. This allows for addition of wishes with the same attribute values, something which was not allowed previously. UUID of a wish also cannot be changed upon addition of a wish.

  • Minor enhancement: Added a remark command.

  • Code contributed: [Project Code Dashboard link]

  • Other contributions:

    • Project management:

      • Managed release v1.1 on GitHub

    • Documentation:

      • Did structural changes to User Guide: #67, #136

    • Community:

Contributions to the User Guide

Given below are sections I contributed to the User Guide. They showcase my ability to write documentation targeting end-users.

Locate your wish with speed and precision: find

Find wishes which match the given search keywords.
Format: find [-e] [n/NAME_KEYWORD]…​ [t/TAG_KEYWORD]…​ [r/REMARK_KEYWORD]…​

  • At least one keyword must be provided.

  • Searching multiple keywords of the same prefix will return wishes whose attribute corresponding to the prefix contain any one of the keywords.

  • Searching with keywords of different prefixes will return only wishes that match will all the keywords of the different prefixes.

  • Using the exact match flag, -e returns wishes whose corresponding attributes contain all the keywords.

  • The search is case insensitive. e.g. watch will match Watch.


  • find n/wat
    Returns any wish whose name contains the wat.

  • find n/wat n/balloon n/appl
    Returns wishes whose names which contain at least any one of wat, balloon or appl.

  • find -e n/wat n/balloon n/appl
    Returns only wishes whose names that contain all of wat, balloon and appl.

  • find n/watch t/important
    Returns any wish whose name contains watch, and whose tags contains broke wishes.

  • find n/wat n/balloon t/important
    Returns any wish whose name contains wat or balloon, and whose tags contains important.

Contributions to the Developer Guide

Given below are sections I contributed to the Developer Guide. They showcase my ability to write technical documentation and the technical depth of my contributions to the project.


Wish Model

A wish is uniquely identified by its Universal Unique Identifier (UUID) which is generated randomly only once for a particular wish, upon its creation through the AddCommand. A wish stores the following primary attributes:

  • Name

  • Price

  • Date

  • Saved Amount

  • Url

  • Remark

  • Tags

  • UUID

It is impossible for the user to create a duplicate wish as it is impossible to modify a wish’s UUID.

Wish Priority

A wish needs to be prioritised in a specific order such that the wishes with the highest priority will be visible on the top of the list. In WishBook, the priority is determined primarily by the due date of the wish which is stored in every wish’s Date attribute. Ties are broken by Name. Further ties are broken by UUID as it is possible for the Date and Name of two wishes to be identical.

The sorting of the displayed results is done by the filteredSortedWishes list. The sorting order is specified by WishComparator.

Design Considerations

Aspect: Uniqueness of a Wish
  • Alternative 1(current choice): Identify a Wish by a randomly generated UUID.

    • Pros: Extremely low probability of collision.

    • Pros: No extra maintenance required upon generation as every Wish is unique.

    • Cons: UUID does not map to any real world entity and it is used strictly for identification.

    • Cons: It is more difficult to system test the AddCommand with the current group of methods for system tests as UUID is randomly generated each time.

  • Alternative 2: Identify a wish by Name, Price, Date, Url, Tags. Wishes with identical values for these attributes will be represented by a single WishCard. The WishCard will be augmented with a Multiplicity to indicate the number of identical wishes.

    • Pros: WishBook will be more compact and every attribute stored in a Wish maps to a real entity.

    • Cons: Additional attribute Multiplicity may have to be frequently edited as it is another attribute that is affected by multiple commands.

  • Alternative 3: Identify a wish by a new attribute CreatedTime, which is derived from the system time when the wish is created.

    • Pros: The attribute maps to a real entity. It can be an additional information presented to the user about a wish.

    • Cons: There might be collisions in CreatedTime if the the system time is incorrect.

Find Wish Feature

Current Implementation

The find mechanism is supported by FindCommandParser. It implements Parser that implements the following operation:

  • FindCommandParser#parse() — Checks the arguments for empty strings and throws a ParseException if empty string is found. It then splits the arguments using ArgumentTokenizer#tokenize() and returns an ArgumentMultimap. Keywords of the same prefix are then grouped using ArgumentMultimap#getAllValues().

The find mechanism is also facilitated by FindCommand. It extends Command and implements the following operation:

  • FindCommand#execute() — Executes the command by updating the current FilteredSortedWishList with the WishContainsKeywordPredicate.

The predicate WishContainsKeywordsPredicate, takes in three lists of the keywords for the following attributes:

  • Name

  • Tags

  • Remark

and also the isExactMatch argument. The result of the predicate is determined by checking whether a Wish contains the given keywords at their corresponding attributes. The match threshold is dictated by the value of isExactMatch.


Given below is an example usage scenario and how the Find mechanism behaves at each step.

Step 1. The user launches the application for the first time.

Step 2. The user executes find n/wat n/apple t/impor command to get all wishes whose name contains the keywords 'iphone' or 'tablet'.

Step 3. The FindCommandParser#parse() is called and the WishContainsKeywordPredicate is constructed with the arguments of the find command.

Step 4. FindCommand#execute() is then called.

Step 5. The entire list of wishes is filtered by the predicate WishContainsKeywordsPredicate.

Step 6. The filtered list of wishes is returned to the GUI.


Design Considerations

Aspect: Argument format
  • Alternative 1 (Current choice): Require the user to prepend every keyword argument with the appropriate Wish attribute prefix.

    • Pros: Easier to implement as it easier to match keyword against a Wish if the attribute to match against is known.

    • Pros: User has more control over the results returned.

    • Cons: User is required to type slightly more.

  • Alternative 2: No prefixes are required in the arguments. Keywords can match with any one of the following chosen wish attributes: Name, Tags or Remark.

    • Pros: Less typing required from user.

    • Cons: Command might be slightly slower as every keyword has to be checked against all chosen attributes of the wish.

    • Cons: User has less control over the results returned.

Aspect: Default threshold for match without the exact match flag

  • Alternative 1 (Current choice): Keywords appended to different prefixes are grouped with a logical AND and keywords appended to the same prefixes are grouped with a logical OR when being matched against a Wish.

    • Pros: A more intuitive way to find wishes.

    • Cons: Can be restrictive in some situations.

  • Alternative 2: Keywords appended to different prefixes are grouped with a logical OR and keywords appended to the same prefixes are grouped with a logical OR when being matched against a Wish.

    • Pros: Search results will be more inclusive.

    • Cons: Very slim chance for such a use case.